MrElectrician.TV began around 1999 after I saw a need for homeowners, who did their own electrical work, to have good and correct information about the projects that they were working on.
I am a licensed electrical contractor and have had to repair many things as a result of someone doing wiring without knowledge, experience, or guidance. Some of the things that I had to repair was because a fire had started or a shock hazard became apparent. Thank goodness no one was injured or killed!
I think the first time that I was ever on a construction site was when I was in kindergarten. My father was an electrical contractor and would sometimes take me to work on Saturdays to give my mother a break from having to mind two small children at the same time. At age ten I began to receive my first salary, one dollar per day (1960’s dollars).
I continued to work on Saturdays and during the summers with my father. He took the time to show me how to do everything correctly. I also learned a lot about the business of electrical contracting. I earned my first electrical contracting license in my late 20’s.
I moved to California and after several years was able to get my C10 electrical contractors license there. While on the west coast I gravitated towards the motion picture and television industry and received a lot of electrical work from people who worked in front of, and behind the camera. My spouse du jour would jokingly call me “The Electrician to The Stars”.
I thought of doing some kind of electrical web site in the late 1990’s. I remembered that some of my clients would refer to me as Mr. Electrician. I thought that would make a good name for a web site. Unfortunately MrElectrician dot com was already taken and in use at the time. So I bought several of the other domains including dot TV.
MrElectrician.TV has been an active web site for over 20 years. I made my first web site design using Microsoft FrontPage. I learned Adobe Photo Shop and Macromedia Fireworks & DreamWeaver. I took some classes and seminars and went to trade shows, but it has been a mostly DIM (Did It Myself) web site. Lately I have hired an artist for my wiring diagrams.
I began carrying around a point and shoot 35mm film camera at work many years ago. When digitizing became an option during film photo processing I always opted for it. Eventually I bought a Canon Elf compact point and shoot digital camera which I still use today. I bought a second one a few years ago used on EBay. They both work great and I am using their original batteries.
I am using and continuing to learn WordPress and the Newspaper theme that I have chosen for the current MrElectrician.TV look. Things change fast in cyberspace.
Currently I am in New Jersey winding down a very long and prosperous electrical career. I am sharing my knowledge and photos of electrical work on MrElectrician.TV in the hope that it will help someone do electrical work correctly and safely.
My Credentials:
Licensed Electrical Contractor in New Jersey (Active).
Licensed C10 Electrical Contractor in California (Expired).
30 Hour OSHA Construction Safety Training.
10 Hour OSHA Construction Safety Training.
US Federal EPA Lead Renovators License (Expired).
US Federal EPA Lead Dust Wipe Technician License (Expired).
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.
My continuing education at the University of Hard Knocks is where much of my knowledge is from. No one ever graduates from that place of higher learning.
I won EC&M Magazine’s “What’s Wrong Here” contest, June 2009 issue. I received a great set of Ideal insulated hand tools as a prize.
Thank you for visiting MrElectrician.TV,
John Grabowski
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